!!!Make sure to scroll to the bottom for a chance to win up to 100 million cdog coins !!!

token distrobution plan


Name: “Choggy Coin”

Supply and Distribution:
Initial Supply: Mint 5 billion cdogs(because why not?).

5% for the inital fund raising 200 millions cdogs.

50% for Memes: Allocate 2.5 billion cdogs to meme creators and contributors. The more hilarious the meme, the more coins they earn!

25% for Community: Reserve 1.25 billlion cdogs for community events, giveaways, and meme contests.

10% for Dev Team: Reward the dev team with 500 million cdogs 

10% for Liquidity: Lock 500 milllion cdogs in a liquidity pool (because liquidity is serious business).

Utility and Demand:
Meme Voting Power: cdogs holders can vote on which memes get featured on the official cdogs meme page. The more cdogs you hold, the stronger your voting power.

Meme Marketplace: Create a marketplace where users can buy and sell memes using cdogs . Rare Pepe? That’ll be 100,000 cdogs , please.

Meme Farming: Stake your cdogs in the “Meme Farm” smart contract to earn yield in the form of rare memes (yes, they’re NFTs).

Token Events:
Meme Mondays: Every Monday, the community floods social media with cdogs memes. The best ones get bonus rewards.

FUD Fridays: On Fridays, spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Dankness) about rival meme coins. Earn extra cdogs for creativity.
Token Burns:

Weekly Bonfire: Burn a portion of cdogs during the “Weekly Bonfire” event. The more cdogs burned, the hotter the flames (and the memes).

Phase 1 - raise funds for launchpad and setup pre sale 

Phase 2 - after we're funded set up everything mentioned above in the tokenomics plan.

Phase 3 -: Go live on the main net and send us to the moon !!!Collaborate with Elon Musk to send cdogs to the moon (literally).
Become Financally free!!!!!


My name is Brandon Fletcher. I'm married with 5 children . This is not a get rich scheme for me . This is a get rich scheme forbeveryone that I can get involved at an early stage. I have 5 billion choggy coins. I also need funding to get this going. I'm not here to scam you. There are 2 things in this world that I hate.

1. A liar   2. A their.

I am neither . I'm just a man who wants more in life and would like to help the community who believes go with me 

I'm asking for donations that will be put towards getting this thing off the ground and rolling. I will be rewarding the top 4 donator s with 25 million choggy coins after launch .

And the #1 top donator will get 100  million choggy coins after launch. 

If you don't think that's fair send me an email and I will re evaluate. Or  if you want to know more about me and or chogggy coin feel free to contact me @ brandon.fletcher0727@gmail.com 

Send your donations to brandonfletcher0727.cb.id

All address that send will be accounted for and will be thanked and rewards deposited  after launch. Thank you all. together we can make this happen so let's do it !!!